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Two Years

Two years. It’s been two years. And while it feels like life has been stuck in a holding pattern, it also feels as if a lifetime has passed. I’ve always been acutely aware of how fast time flies. I’ve always known the feeling of wanting to cling to the present like a fist full of sand that escapes your grasp as quickly as you desperately try to hold onto it. But I’ve never experienced the feeling of both time standing…

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Why we should stop talking about Coronavirus

There is a LOT of negativity in the universe right now. For the past couple of weeks, I must be honest, it’s felt like nothing but doom and gloom. Conversations and social media feeds seem to be a running…


How to talk to your kids about the Coronavirus

In the past week, most of our lives have been completely turned upside down. Around the world, families are navigating through their ‘new normal’. Parents are trying to figure out how to home school their kids, work from home,…


2019: A Year without Blogging

I didn’t write a single blog in 2019. Not one. (Unless you count this one – which I’m squeezing in right before the ‘deadline’.) And you know what…I’m 100% OK with that. In 2019, while raising my three tiny…

Family Friday Favorites

Holiday Gift Guide: Preschool Age

Last Minute Holiday Gift Ideas for Preschool Age Kids By preschool age, most kids are pretty rock solid on what they actually want for Christmas which can make things easier and harder.  My son definitely lets you know exactly…

Friday Favorites

Last Minute Holiday Gift Guide: Toddlers

Last Minute Holiday Gift Ideas for Toddlers Shipping deadlines are looming…stores are picked over…time is running out for getting those xmas gifts.  Deciding what to get your not so little, but still so little, little ones is tough when…