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Family Living

To the MAN who judged my abilities as a mom

As a mother, I’m used to being judged. From the moment you announce you are pregnant, there is unrelenting unsolicited advice from friends, family members and total strangers. Once you have your baby there’s a constant barrage of opinions filtering…

Family Living

Halloween Tradition: Boo it Forward!

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and Walmart have partnered to celebrate the release of Ghostbusters: Answer the Call Extended Edition now on Blu-Ray by spreading the tradition of “Booing it Forward” for Halloween this year.  When their PR rep reached out…

Family Giveaway Living

Bamboobies + Ergobaby Giveaway

I’m having a baby…like SOON (Like I should have bags packed soon)…so I thought what better way to celebrate than to give away some seriously amazing baby and mama gear.  Our little 1 BR + Den apartment is busting…

Family Living

DIY Train Conductor Costume

Last year, I decided to be super ambitious and make a Train Conductor costume for Halloween.  I must admit, I had an inappropriate amount of fun making it, and was incredibly proud when I saw how happy this colorful little box of…

Family Living Wellness

Afternoon Preschool = NO SLEEP EVER!

As you all know, we started preschool…and we are in the afternoon program.  At first I was super bummed about being in the afternoon, but then realized it was actually pretty awesome.  You can read about why afternoon preschool…

Family Living

Why Afternoon Preschool is Awesome!

Ok, so if you live in a normal town, and you send your kid to “the” preschool nearby, this whole preschool nonsense will make no sense to you. But if you live in NY, LA, San Fran or another…