When are you due? What are you having? Those are the two questions you will get asked over and over and over again once you start to show. Everyone wants to know when your baby is coming and more importantly if it’s a boy or a girl. Whenever I tell people I’m not finding out the gender I get a couple of standard responses. 1. Shock and confusion 2. Curiosity as to how on earth we can handle the suspense…
Rockin Mama Life
To the woman staring down my wild 4-year-old and then searching the room while thinking “where on earth is this child’s mother”…. I was you. I was the woman who stared at the off-his-rocker 4-year-old boy on the playground…
Adventures in pregnancy: Why can’t I have ice cream for breakfast?
Tomorrow morning I have the dreaded glucose test to make sure I don’t have gestational diabetes. It’s a rite of passage every pregnant woman comes to know well. Whether you pass or fail, one thing holds true…it is a…
Recently a mom posted a photo on social media of her 3-year-old daughter standing on a toilet seat. At first glance it’s a cute photo of a toddler doing the strange and amusing things toddlers do…until I read the…
It was 100 degrees out yesterday. I’m 2o weeks pregnant, my toddler has a fever and apparently a double ear infection. Let that sink in for a minute. Yeah. Let’s just say by 5:15 when Micah rescued me came…
Celebrating the Launch of Bottle + Heels by Tammin Sursok in true L.A. fashion
It’s not every day I get to truly live the “L.A” lifestyle. Most days consist of rolling in the dirt, chasing soccer balls, running errands and keeping a toddler alive. It’s super glamorous. (HA!) But…every once in a while…
On Miss Universe, Makeup and Societal Norms: What is Beautiful?
I watched the tail end of the Miss Universe pageant last night…which apparently was all I needed to watch for the good juicy drama. And the award goes to…Steve Harvey for ‘Most Awkward Television Moment Ever’. In case you…
I run out of gas…a lot. I’m not sure why I don’t look at the gas gauge. Ok, I do look at the gas gauge, and I usually think to myself – I should get gas…but that somehow gets trumped…
Ok…so I was planning on launching in August. Then September. Then October. Then I publicly set a launch date in November forcing myself to commit to ripping off the bandaid and finalizing the new site. Now seven magically (belated)…