Today’s podcast guest is Sarah Garcia Azad, founder of Humble Bebe. Sarah is an award winning product developer and mother of two adorable boys. After having kids, she took the leap into creating her own business.
A little over a year ago, Sarah launched Humble Bebe with high quality cloth diapers on Amazon. Today we talk about her process. We talk about how growing up as the child of an entrepreneur inspired her as a business owner. We also dive into how she chose cloth diapers as her initial product, how she went from concept to creation, and the innovative new products she is releasing now.
Sarah also shares some gems on finding balance, like the under-utilized art of delegating. This is a concept I’m actively trying to implement more in my life. What, if anything do you delegate in your life? Do you feel like it frees up your time for what matters most? Comment here or reach out on social and let us know how you #delegatetodominate !
To find out more about Humble Bebe, and Sarah’s awesome products including the patent pending Stroller Bar and Sip n’ Snug, go to www.humblebebe.com or find her on instagram @humblebebe and facebook @humblebebeofficial.
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