It’s New Years Eve eve. It’s that time of the year when we all sit down and reflect on our most recent journey around the sun.
For me, 2018 was a year of LIFE and I’m grateful for every moment.
I could sit here and write about how in 2018 my husband, the sole breadwinner in our family, was laid off. I could write about how we were almost homeless and how we had to say goodbye to our beloved Riley after she spent months wasting away battling a horrible disease.
I could consider 2018 a ‘rough’ year…but the reality is, it wasn’t.
It was a year filled with LIFE. And life isn’t all rainbows and gumdrops. It’s real.
Sometimes it is full of joys beyond your wildest dreams, like the birth of our beautiful baby girl. Sometimes it’s full of devastating lows like the death of our dog. And sometimes it is a wavering abyss of indecision and normalcy. But, that’s life.
A choreographer and dear old friend used to say if your dancing is all one level, it’s dead. She would compare movement to the tracings of a heartbeat on a heart monitor. There should be lows and highs and everything in between. When you flatline, whether it’s high or low, you’re in trouble. And that’s how life should be. Without the lows, there are no highs – or at least it’s harder to appreciate them. There’s nothing like the feeling of that first sunny warm spring day after a long cold, dreary winter or the smell of crisp air after a rainstorm.
So, as I reflect on 2018, it really was a year of LIFE. The lows were low, but the highs were just as high. The loss of our pet was met with the life of our daughter who has filled the walls of our home with overflowing love and joy. The loss of my husband’s job was met with an outpouring of support and help from friends and family that reassured us how incredibly fortunate we are.
At the end of the day (or year I should say), we are healthy, happy and beyond fortunate. Was our year ‘perfect’…absolutely not. Was it full of joy, heartache, laughter, tears, inspiration, uncertainty, stress and calm. Yes. And for all of this I am grateful.
As you reflect on the past year of your life, I hope that you too can see the beauty in the balance of being. I hope that your lows were met with highs and your life was LIVED.
As for the coming year, I hope that it will be full of challenges, successes, love and life.
Enjoy your NYE and see you in 2019!
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