We FINALLY got Avery’s big boy bed!!! After spending the day rearranging furniture throughout our entire house, it was time to put together his bed frame – or what was supposed to be his bed frame. You see, when…
Recently a mom posted a photo on social media of her 3-year-old daughter standing on a toilet seat. At first glance it’s a cute photo of a toddler doing the strange and amusing things toddlers do…until I read the…
Interview with Allyson Downey, author of Here’s the Plan: Your Your Practical, Tactical Guide to Steering Your Career Through Pregnancy and Parenthood
Last night I had the pleasure of interviewing Allyson Downey, a mom of two little ones and founder of weeSpring on her new book Here’s the Plan. Here’s the Plan is basically a MUST HAVE for any woman even thinking…
I slept in my son’s crib last night. Yep. That’s right, in the crib. It was 2 am when I was awoken by toddler screaming. In case you’ve never experienced this, it’s a sound worse than that iPhone alarm…
When we first brought Avery home from the hospital, Riley (our adorably spoiled rotten English Bulldog) was amazing. We had my parents bring her a hospital blanket every night. She sniffed them, put them in her mouth and paraded around the…
Technology rules our lives. Everyday I hear about a new app, new website, new fancy schmancy gizmo to make our lives easier, flashier, “better”. As I sit here writing at my makeshift “desk” (aka my kitchen table), I remember…
In the rare instance that someone has managed to assure me that they aren’t going to steal my baby and I have some confidence that they will be able to provide quality care to my child, I hire them. …
Almost two years in, and we are STILL knee-deep in the never-ending search for decent childcare. I curse all of you who have family nearby to provide free (albeit guilt-inducing) childcare last-minute. You have no idea how fortunate you…
My son thinks any food that is remotely close to lukewarm is too hot to eat. I’m pretty sure it’s my fault. Basically, we are hippies – I’m like an L.A., I love yoga, free people, flip-flops and long wavy…
Two of my close friends recently welcomed adorable baby boys into the world and became first time moms. Talking to them has brought back memories of sleepless nights, marathon breastfeeding and feelings of overwhelming love mixed with undertones of…