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Family Wellness

Spread Love, Not Germs!

There has been a lot of talk in the social media world bashing irresponsible parents that don’t vaccinate their kids – which is a separate and massive debate in and of itself…one in which I’m not entirely sure which…


The Emergency Room is No Place For a Baby

Last Thursday we went to the emergency room with Avery for the first and hopefully last time. He had been sick with the flu the week before and was getting better day by day. I was going stir crazy…


Sleep Training – Night #1

Last night I sat on the couch at exactly 7:11 pm (11 minutes after laying Avery down in the elusive drowsy yet awake state) confused.  First of all, I should clarify that my mommy and me instructor is somewhat…


A Letter To My Unborn Baby

Dear Baby, Your lease is up.  Please note that you have exactly three days to vacate or I will be forced to take more drastic actions to remove you from the premises.  I will say you have been a…


There’s a bun in my oven!

I told my husband at 3 am. I took the test by myself and after getting a positive result…I obviously went to the store and bought another set of tests, took them home, and took them both as well…you…